We have strict rules about lists mailed through our system and all email addresses should've signed up to receive emails. If you feel you've received one that you didn't sign up for, let us know. Please forward the unwanted message to support@verticalresponse.com, so that we can find which account it came from, and make sure to get you off that list.
VerticalResponse does not maintain mailing lists for sale, rent, distribution or any other purpose. We are an Email Service Provider; companies use our service to send emails to their lists the same way an individual might email someone through Yahoo or Gmail. Our clients provide their own contact lists (limited to their own use) and must agree that everyone on their list signed up to receive their messages--meaning no purchased, rented, borrowed, harvested or third party lists of any kind are allowed. Clients who violate this policy are removed from our service. We do not like spam and work extremely hard to keep it off our network. Thanks for bringing this problem to our attention. |
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