How do I upload a list in VR for AppEx?

Before you begin the upload process, make sure your list is saved in .csv or .txt format. If you're not sure how to save your list in this format, please take a look at our instructions on saving a file as CSV. When you’re ready to upload your list, just follow these steps:

  1. Click on the VR email tab, and then New List
  2. On the next window, choose the option to "Create a new mailing list from an external file"
  3. Select “I Agree” in all 3 checkboxes and then click Submit
  4. Give your list a name.
  5. Use option 1 to Create a new list one member at a time.
  6. Use option 2 to browse your computer for your .csv spreadsheet or list file. Then click Submit.
  7. On the Data Matching page that follows, label the columns in your list (email address, first name, city etc.) using the drop down menu above each column. If you don't want to upload a particular set of data, just don't label the column and the system will ignore it during upload.
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