Pop Up Forms

Adding a pop up form to your website will allow you to gather important information on your customers.
To create a Pop Up form on your website:

1. From the main page choose the Forms tab        

2. This will bring you to your Pop Up dashboard. Here you will see all the Pop Up forms you have created and stats for each form.  You can turn on and off a Pop Up form by using the switch button on the status tab.


3. Let’s create a new Pop up form. To do this click Create Pop up


4. Next you will need to choose how you want your Pop Up Widget to appear. You can choose from centered, full screen, top banner, bottom banner, left sidebar and right sidebar.


5. Now you will need to choose a template.


6. Once you have selected your template you will be brought into the editor.


7. The first thing you will want to do is to choose the layout of the page. You can do this by browsing the layouts in the left hand panel under the Content Block tab.


8. Now you can begin to edit the details of your Pop Up form. Hover over the form and select Click to Edit.


9. Here you will be able to choose the list you want your new contacts to go into.


10. Clicking on Add Field lets you choose which fields will appear in your form and if any of them are required.  You can ask for name, company, email address, website, phone number and more.


11. Next we can head to the Page Style tab in the left hand menu. Here is where you can edit your theme and background image.
12. An important feature of this section is the Success Action area. This is the action you want your form to take when the customer submits their information. For example you can ask the form to redirect them to a certain website or to just close the form.


13. This section you are also able to choose the font, border, close button style, shadows, row color and background image.

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14. When you are done creating your Pop Up form click Next on the top right of the screen.
15. You will be brought to the Pop Up rules page. Here you must create a name for your form, choose the domain you want your popup form to appear on, what triggers the form and the frequency. When you are entering in your domain be sure to type it in properly.


16. Once you have filled out your rules, click Publish.
17. The screen will inform you that your Pop Up is published. There is ONE MORE STEP: Copy the code provided on the screen and embed it into your website. It is important to note that you must embed this code on every page you would like the Pop Up form to appear. 


18. You also have the option to get the embed code from the main leads dashboard. 



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