Where do I find reporting on Social Sharing activity?

The Social Sharing activity generated by your email is included on the standard email reporting Dashboard. Follow these steps to view reporting on your sent email.
  1. Go to Emails | Sent Emails
  2. Click on the Email you’re interested in
  3. Reporting is found on the Dashboard under the heading Social Response
Here you will find reporting for each of the three social media channels - Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Next to each you will find a count of the following actions.
  • Clicks From Email - this number represents the raw number of clicks on each of the Social Media icons in your email. We track this just like any link in your email. It’s possible for someone to click the icon but not finish.
  • Total Social Reach - this number reflects how many times your email was liked, reposted, or commented on for the indicated social media channel.
More information on what these numbers mean can be found our our help page.
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