Authorize Social Accounts

To post your email to Facebook and Twitter, or make posts to keep in touch between emails, you'll need to add your social accounts to your VerticalResponse account.

To add your social accounts to your VerticalResponse account: 

1. Clicks Contacts and then Social Accounts 


2. Next click Add new account. You also have the option to add your social accounts in the bottom left hand corner, by clicking the social media icons. 

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The first time you come here you'll need to link up your accounts and you'll see a message for Twitter and Facebook. You can link one of them or both, it's totally up to you and your marketing plans. And if you set up both, you can still decide to post to just one of them, so you're not locked into updating both if you add two accounts.

There will be a pop-up window that you'll need to use to authorize your account. Be sure to allow pop-ups if you're blocking them, otherwise you won't see the social windows.


To add a Twitter account click the Twitter icon button and click the Authorize app button in the window that opens. If you have more than one Twitter handle, make sure you see the correct account in the window- our system will autofill with whatever your browser is remembering, but you can change it later. This will allow us to post what you select to your Twitter feed. Once you've set it up you'll see your Twitter handle and the photo you're using on Twitter. To unlink this account just click the green Unlink button to the right.



To add a Facebook account, click the Facebook icon and then the log-in button on the window that opens. If you have more than one Facebook account, make sure you see the correct account in the window. As with Twitter, our system will autofill with whatever your browser is remembering, but you can change it.  This will allow us to post what you select to your Facebook feed. Once you've set it up, you'll see your Facebook account and the photo you're using on that account. To unlink this account just click the Unlink button from the main screen. 


If your personal account is linked to any Facebook pages for your business, you'll see those listed as well. If you want to post on behalf of your business, make sure your personal page has admin access to the business page. Facebook requires all business pages to be linked to a personal account.


If you see a message "Sorry, this Facebook/Twitter account has already been linked to another user." it means you have already connected this particular Twitter or Facebook account to another VerticalResponse account. If you have multiple VerticalResponse accounts, check to see if they are linked to the Facebook or Twitter account you're trying to connect to and Unlink them before adding them to this VerticalResponse account. If that doesn't work, try the following.

To remove your Facebook account from VerticalResponse, login to your Facebook account. Then go to Settings and select Apps. Under App Settings you'll see all the apps you've logged into with Facebook. Locate VerticalResponse 2 and hover over it to display the Edit Settings and Remove buttons. Click Remove. You will then be prompted to confirm the removal. Once removed, you will be able to link your Facebook account to any single VerticalResponse account using the steps above.



To remove your Twitter account from VerticalResponse, login to your Twitter account. Then go to Settings and privacy select Apps. Under Applications you'll see all the apps that can access your Twitter account. Locate Vertical Response by VerticalResponse and click Revoke access. Once removed, you will be able to link your Twitter account to any single VerticalResponse account using the steps above.



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