Email Automation Reporting

Once your email automation is activated, it will be sent out no more than 15 minutes after a new subscriber signs up. We track the response to your automation emails including the number sent, the number opened and clicks on links. We keep track of these stats for as long as your autoresponder email is active.

To view the reporting for your automation email, just click on the name of your automation in the Messages center.

You can view overall stats for your automation series, so if you have multiple emails, it will total the stats next to the timeline. 
Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 1.30.42 PM.png
You will also be able to view stats for each automation email directly. If you would like more in depth reporting, you can select View Report.
Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 1.30.56 PM.png
On the reporting page, you can dive deeper into metrics.
Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 1.31.18 PM.png
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