Edit Your Sign Up Form

Hosted Sign-up Forms - Themes

At the top of the form example you’ll see different themes. We’ve designed them to work with the email templates in your VR account plus a few others, or you can select a plain one that doesn’t conflict with your website design. You can click through the different templates to find the one you like the best.


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Title fields

Your form will start off with four lines for Headline, Sub-headline, Details and at the bottom Footer, but you can take as many of those out of the form as you like. You'll want to have some information about the sort of emails you plan send and frequency. Click the box next to the field you don’t want to use and it will disappear from your form. Then click on the name of the field, a purple box will appear; fill in the info your subscribers will need to know about your email and the data you’re collecting.

These are just like other text fields in your account, so you can make edits to the text using the menu on the right. Select the font style and size, bold, change text color, whatever you want to do. Or match up the font and colors from your website to help the form blend in more.


On the left side you have the option to collect lots of different information from your subscribers. Email address is already select and is a requirement for the form. But you can select any number of fields from the left, just keep in mind the less you ask of your subscribers, the more likely they are to fill in the form. The following are the fields you can collect in your form, each are added in the order you see in the list here:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Marital Status
  • Gender
  • Email Address
  • Work Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Website
  • Mobile Phone
  • Fax
  • Title
  • Company
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • State/Region
  • Country

You can add or subtract fields as you like, you’ll notice they get added right away. Remember, it’s easier to ask for more details after someone has signed up then to collect all the data at the initial sign-up. If you ask too much on your form people will wonder why you need so much for an email and not fill in the form.


Once you like the way the form looks, click Next in the bottom right corner. You’ll see a preview of what the form will look like, and if you want to add a URL for a page your subscribers will be sent to once they finish entering their info, add it in the box in the top left.

Need to change the order of your fields? Use the up and down arrow toggle buttons, located on the left side of each field to re-order them as you please.


Embeddable Sign-up Forms

The embeddable form will not have images from any of the templates, it will only show the boxes for the fields you’ve selected. The template images are used only for the hosted URL option, since there is nothing else on that page.


Although there are no designed themes for embeddable sign-up forms, you'll still need to select the fields that you would like to include. To re-order any of the fields, simply toggle between the arrows located to the left of each field.

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