Upload a List

The Contacts section keeps track of both your email mailing list(s) and social media connections. You can upload or drag and drop your email contacts in an Excel file, or manually type them in one by one. You can also connect to your Facebook and Twitter accounts in this section.

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To create a new list, just click the green plus buttond14.jpg to the right of Email Lists and we'll guide you through adding a new list. Give your list a name, and use something that will remind you who is on the list and why they are getting your email. For example, it could be the date of your email or how they signed up for your list- whatever works best for you! But keep in mind that with our contact management feature your subscribers can see the name of your list if it's public so keep it simple.


Once you’ve named the list you’ll add contacts to it. If you're uploading a list, your file should be saved in .csv, .xls, or .xlsx formats. These are the most common types of Excel files and yours is probably already saved in one of these formats.

You can upload your list one of two ways:

1) Click the "Browse and Import" button on the left and find the file you want to upload.

2) Or, you can go the easy way and just drag your list onto the target where it says "Drag & Drop". We'll do the rest!

If you just have a couple of contacts to add, you may want to select "Add Manually" and then type them in.

Now that you have the file uploaded for your list, you'll need to match up some data to finish adding the list to your VerticalResponse account.  Take a look at the drop-down menus above your data, and match what you see in the column to the options in the menu. For example, for the column with email addresses you'll select "Email Address" in the drop-down, first names will match up with "First Names", etc. If you don’t want to include the data in your list, select "Unmapped" and we won’t upload that info. If your file has column headers, or names for each column, we’ll  match that info with our default fields automatically. We’ll even match field names that are close to what we have. For example, if the first name field in your list is F_Name, we’ll match that up with First Name for you. Once  everything looks good, click Import at the right and you're ready to go!

You can also create a custom field during your list upload. On the Map Fields page just type in a new custom field name where it says Unmapped. Once you like the name, click Create Field.


We'll tell you how the upload went in a just a few minutes. The final upload screen will show you how many mailable contacts have been added to your account. Under the list upload message you'll see a breakdown of the email subscribers that were added. On the left is info about the Imported addresses and we'll tell how many new email addresses were added and how many on the list were already in the account but are now added to this list.


The right side is for any addresses that were rejected, and we break that down for you as well:


  • Invalid Email Addresses - the email address isn't mailable for some reason, usually a typo like there's an @ missing or there's no .com at the end. You can fix these addresses and then upload or manually add them to your list.

  • Unsubscribed addresses - this is an address that has requested not to get any emails from your company by previously unsubscribing from one of the emails you've sent to them.

  • Bounced Addresses - these are addresses that are set up correctly but for some reason aren't accepting emails, usually because they are old or no longer valid.

  • Non-mailable Addresses - these are addresses that are known to cause problems with delivery so we'll clean your list so you don't run into any problems.

If you want to see the addresses that have been removed you can click on the Download rejected records link and take a look.


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