
After you've decided on a package, it's time to make your purchase. There are 3 quick steps to add the new package and features to your account.

  1. Select if you want to pay monthly, or pay in advance for 6 months or a year. Just click the option you want and you'll see the green highlight for that choice. If you chose pay as you go you’ll just need to review your purchase.
  2. Check that you see the package you've selected and that you see the right pricing under Review Order. If it's not right, click the Change link to go back and select a different package.
  3. Enter your credit card and billing details. You'll be asked to save your credit card in the account so that the subscription can be charged each month, if needed.

Then click the Upgrade button in the bottom right and you'll have your new subscription package! You'll see a confirmation page with information about the package and when your renewal date is. And if you need a receipt for business expenses there's a button that says View/Print.

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