Why are email addresses rejected during my import?

When you attempt to create a new list or append a file to a list, VerticalResponse will scan your list and reject any email addresses that do not fit our list upload requirements. Rejected email addresses can be downloaded from a link in the list upload report you receive either via email or on your account screen. The most common reasons for rejected emails are listed below.
Previously Bounced - These email addresses bounced during previous email campaigns sent from your account.
Previously Unsubscribed - These email addresses were unsubscribed during previous email campaigns sent from your account.
Improperly Formatted Address - These email addresses typically contain formatting errors (johndoe@yaho,com for example). Please check that your email addresses are correct before upload again.
Unparseable Line/Unparseable Data - This often happens when there are quotations or commas in your data. Please remove these from your list and try to upload the list again. This frequently happens when your list source is Outlook or ACT where notation fields are exported with quotations at the beginning and the end of the notes. Note: saving your list as a csv (comma delimited) file does not mean you should add commas between all the values manually. You should use Excel or some other spreadsheet application to save the file using the File Type of csv.
Incorrect Number of Fields - This typically occurs when uploading a list containing extra columns that appear empty but may actually contain spaces or other invisible characters. Try opening the list in Excel (or similar application), copy only the columns you need into a new sheet, save the new file as a .csv (comma delimited) file and try to import to your account.
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