You can add three different types of links to your emails: hyperlinks, images, and buttons.
A hyperlink can be added to any text in your email. Hover over the block with the text you wish to add a link to. Click to edit the content block. Then use your cursor to highlight the text you wish to add a link to. With the text still highlighted, mouse up to the text editor bar and click on the link button.
A Link popup will open with setting options. You can link the text to a URL or Email.
If you select URL, type in the URL of the website. Make sure you select the appropriate protocol. If you click on the Target tab, you can determine if you want an email recipient who clicks on this link to have it open a new window, same window, or other options.
If you select Email, type in the email address and message subject line you wish an email recipient to be prompted to email.
Once you're done, click OK.
If you wish to remove a hyperlink, highlight the text with the hyperlink and click on the unlink button.
A hyperlink can be added to images in your email. Hover over the block with the image you wish to add a link to. Click to edit the content block. An image settings tab will open on the left side of the editor. Under the Link section, select what you would like to link the image to: Website, Email, or Forward To A Friend.
If you select Website, type in the URL of the site you wish to link the image to.
If you select Email, type in the email address.
If you select Forward To A Friend, we will automatically fill the link image to field and set up the link for you.
A hyperlink can be added to buttons in your email. Hover over the block with the button you wish to add a link to. Click to edit the content block. A button settings tab will open on the left side of the editor. Under the Link section, select what you would like to link the button to: Website, Email, or Forward To A Friend.
If you select Website, type in the URL of the site you wish to link the button to.
If you select Email, type in the email address.
If you select Forward To A Friend, we will automatically fill the link button to field and set up the link for you.
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