VR for Salesforce - Overall Message Stats

Overall Message Stats

Get a quick view of the overall performance of your emails, including autoresponders, and if you’ve shared  the emails on social media, that info will be there too. This will give you an overview of all the emails you’ve sent from your VR account.rtaImage.png

Here’s a break down of what it all means: 

  • Total Sent - the total number of email messages sent from your VR account.
  • Opens - The total number of opens across all the emails sent.
  • Clicks - The total number of clicks across all the emails sent.
  • Unsubs - The total number of people who unsubscribed across all the emails sent.
  • Bounces - The total number of undeliverable email addresses across all the emails sent.
  • Facebook Shares - The total number of times the emails were shared on Facebook across all the emails sent.
  • Facebook Likes - The total number of times the emails were Liked on Facebook across all the emails sent.
  • Twitter Retweets - The total number of times the emails were retweeted on Twitter across all the emails sent.

For results on a specific email, scroll to the bottom of the page to VR Recent Messages and find the email you need. 


Sync Now - You'll see this link all over your VR for Salesforce account, and it will update different info depending on where you see it. This one will update your email stats from VR to your Salesforce Leads and Contacts when you click the link, instead of waiting for the automatic sync. 

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