VR for Salesforce - Global Sync

Every day VerticalResponse will update the data between your VR account and Salesforce automatically. This is what we call a Global Sync, because we update all data, not just selected info. You can click the Sync Now links found throughout the app, but they are updating only specific information, not all the data like a Global Sync will do. 


The default is to run the Global sync once per day, but you can change this if you want to. Since most data won't change that quickly, once per day is usually enough to keep all the information up-to-date.

To change the frequency of your Global sync go to the VR Settings tab and click on Choose Sync Timing. Then select the button for the timing you'd like to use. Click Set sync Timing to save your changes. 


Data synced:

  • Lists in VR update new records to Salesforce
  • Email message stats updated to Leads and Contacts
  • Scheduled Salesforce Campaigns and Reports
  • Email Opt out box checked in Salesforce for any Unsubscribes

There can only be one sync run at a time though, so if you have a global sync running and you choose to manually update email data, you’ll get an error message. 

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