It's not possible to delete the Master List but you can delete all email addresses from your account. Follow these steps.
First, download all list members in your account
- Click Lists
- Click the Actions link to the right of the Master List and select Download Members
- For What to Download, select All List Members
- For File Format, select Comma Delimited (.csv)
- For List Fields, select Click on Email Address Only
- For Send Notification, enter your email address
- Click Download
- Your list will be emailed to you, when received open the file
- Delete all columns and headers (including the email header) leaving only the individual Email Addresses (the file will be rejected if there are any other columns or headers present)
- Save the file
You will next use the file to purge your Master List. This will permanently delete all records in your account.
- Click Lists
- Click on the Master List.
- Click on the Tools tab
- Click Mass Update
- Click Browse and locate the file you saved
- Click Delete from account (this is permanent!)
- Process File and Done
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